The Medical Appointment application can request a medical appointment quickly, intuitively and free of charge.
It provides us with access to all health centers throughout Spain.
The different autonomous communities included in the app are the following:
> Prior Appointment ICS (Catalonia)
> Prior Appointment Health Madrid (Madrid)
> Prior Appointment Osakidetza (Basque Countries)
> Prior Appointment Sescam (Castilla-La Mancha
> Prior Appointment Conselleria de Sanitat Universal (Generalitat Valenciana)
> Prior Appointment InterSAS (Andalucia)
> Prior Appointment SESPA (Asturias)
> Prior Appointment SACYL (Castilla y León)
> Prior Appointment SES (Extremdura)
> Prior Appointment IB-SALUT (Balearic Islands)
> Prior Appointment CSC (Cantabria)
> Prior Appointment INGESA (Ceuta and Melilla)
> Prior Appointment Salud Informa (Aragón)
> Prior Appointment Canary Health Service (Canary Islands)
> Prior Appointment Rioja Salud (La Rioja)
> Prior Appointment SERGAS (Galicia) )
> SMS Appointment (Murcia)
> Navarro Health Service Appointment (Navarra)
The following app is not an official state application, it is a private application in which you can request a medical appointment without having to leave the application externally.
In no case does the author have access to your data.